1. | The Shetland Shepherdess | J32 | 3/4L | Wallace: RSCDS Graded 3 |
2. | Toast to the Mousies | R32 | 3/4L | Gratiot: RSCDS LIII |
3. | Ysobel | S32 | 3/4L | Drewry: RSCDS LIII |
4. | Hooper's Double Jig | J32 | 4/4L | MacLennan-Brown |
5. | 1314 (Thirteen-Fourteen) | M128 | 4S | Drewry: Rondel |
6. | Sunshine and Sweetie's Jig | J32 | 3/4L | Short: RSCDS XLVIII |