On 18 June 2024 we ended our season with a bring & share break and danced

1. Ramadan-ce R32 3/4L Drewry: Turkish
2. Miss Allie Anderson J32 3/4L Corson: RSCDS Leaflets
3. The Water of Leith S32 4/4L Wilkinson: RSCDS LIII
4. The Faerie Pools R48 3/3L Lambert: Glasgow 100
5. MacDonald of Keppoch M128 4S Ronald: RSCDS XLIX
6. The Spirit of the Dance S32 3/4L Paterson: TAC 50th Ann
7. The Queen's View R32 3/4L Forbes: Three Hands Across
8. The Grumpy Gentleman J32 3/4L Jennings: Birmingham Diamond 2006
9. Sandy's Scotch Broth S32 3/3L Sibley: Katannuta
10. Welcome to Ayr J32 3/4L Henricksen &c.;: RSCDS XLVII