On 12 Sep 2023 we danced

1. The Ambassadors' Reel R32 3/4L Mayr: Vienna Book
2. The Captain's House R32 3/4L Boyd: RSCDS Graded 3
3. Sandy's Scotch Broth S32 3/3L Sibley: Katannuta
4. Lock 3 Jig J32 3/4L McNeil
5. Robert's Rant R32 3/4L Trafford: Newcastle 70th Anniversary
6. Farewell to Balfour Road J32 5/5L Buxton: RSCDS LII
7. Fiddling in the Pinewoods S32 3/4L Peart
8. Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan R32 5/5L Goldring: RSCDS 30 popular, Vol 2