On 29 Nov 2022 we danced

1. The Bees of Maggieknockater J32 4/4L Drewry: RSCDS 30 popular, Vol 2
2. The Cooper's Wife J40 3/4L Mitchell: Whetherly 16
3. The Dream Catcher S96 4S Orr: RSCDS XLV
4. The Irish Rover R32 3/4L Cosh: 22 SCD
5. St Andrew's Fair J32 3/4L Goldring: RSCDS 5/1982
6. Broadway S32 3/3L Ronald: The Big Apple Collection
7. The Falls of Rogie R32 3/4L Attwood: Alexander 1
8. St Andrews Gardens J32 3/4L Grant: RSCDS XXXV
9. West's Hornpipe R32 4/4L RSCDS 5/1965